Umunhum Brewing has ceased operations.

The Board of Directors thanks all our members for their support and participation during our 11‑year run.


Join us at one of our upcoming events.

Join in on the Fun

Our co-op was created by and for fans of craft beer, ale, cider, and other tasty fermented beverages — and there's no better way to celebrate a good beer than by sharing one with like-minded individuals. That's why we typically hold several fun-filled events every month, as a way to explore new beers and meet new friends.

Check our Event Calendar below or our Meetup page for a list of all our upcoming events.

Here are some of the events that we regularly host or participate in during the year:

  • Keg-tappings
  • Beer festivals
  • Pub crawls
  • Tasting events
  • Home-brew competitions
  • Brewery tours

There is also a semi-official trivia team, made up of members and non-members, which competes every Monday night in downtown San Jose.

Nearly all of our events are open to the public, so whether you're already a member or not quite a member yet, the easiest way to learn about who we are and what we're doing may be to just come to one of our events.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event.

Upcoming Events