Umunhum Brewing has ceased operations.

The Board of Directors thanks all our members for their support and participation during our 11‑year run.

Our Values

California's first co-op brewery.

Our Mission

As California's first co-op brewery, our mission is to create a new “resting place” worthy of our local community. We are a growing group of dedicated members who are passionate about great beer, customer service, sustainability, and great food (supporting local and organic farms where possible). We strive to reflect our local heritage here in the San Jose region and to build a stronger community by working with local businesses and organizations and with other co-ops.

As a democratically owned and operated business, our motto is “You drink the beer. You should own the bar.”

Giving Back

Supporting local businesses, connecting with local organizations, and giving back to the local community are all key pillars of our co-op's philosophy and approach to business. In other words, as a cooperative, we want to cooperate. By working with local businesses and groups, we can all support each other and succeed together.

The San Jose region is a great place to live, and we want to give back as much as we have received. As our community grows, we hope you'll become part of it.


We are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment and therefore pay particular attention to sustainability, from conserving water and energy as much as possible to using local, sustainable resources for the products and services we offer.

An Ongoing Business

Our co-op is a true corporate entity, incorporated under the laws of the state of California. With the release of our first beer (and with more to come), we are operating an ongoing business that is cooperatively owned, staffed, and self-managed.

Many aspects of the structure and by-laws of our co-op are closely modeled after the Black Star Co-op Brewpub in Austin, Texas.