Umunhum Brewing has ceased operations.

The Board of Directors thanks all our members for their support and participation during our 11‑year run.

Three’s a Charm Pale Ale

Out of Production

Three’s a Charm Pale Ale

Out of Production
A nectar-like pale ale that your charm-mates will be buzzing about.
Sporting a nectar-like malty sweetness and subtle hint of hops, this dry-sweet pale ale will be a hit with any charm.* The alluring copper color will draw your bird-mates in, they’ll buzz around to enjoy the playful mix of dry-sweet flavors and tingly mouthfeel, and they’ll all fly back to their nests, satisfied with the smooth, dry finish lingering on their beaks. (*A charm is a group of hummingbirds.)
ABV: 6.6%
IBU: 27
Style: Pale Ale
Malts: Pilsner (2 Row), Honey Malt, Crystal 45L, Carafoam, Pale Wheat
Hops: CTZ, Centennial, Perle
Dry hopping: Cascade, Mosaic